Original 1940’s PINUP by DAVID WRIGHT
Probably one of the only English Pinup artists in the 1940’s
Printed monogram bottom left – D.W.
The Title is- TAKING COVER , printed under
Size – 13 1/4 ” x 9 1/4 ” .= 340 mm x 240 mm
From a Portfolio issued in the 1940’s by The Sketch Magazine
The back is blank it was made for framing
David Wright (12 December 1912 – 25 May 1967) was a British illustrator who drew a series of “lovelies” that epitomized female glamour during World War II. he was one of the leading pin-up artists of the 20th Century. Unlike his American contemporaries Alberto Vargas and Gil Elvgren, the British-born Wright brought a sense of realism to his willowy However, it is his series of 169 illustrations for The Sketch magazine (from 1941 to 1951) that became most popular.
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