Exhibition Quality Set of 6 Oak Dining Chairs

Exhibition Quality Set of 6 Oak Dining Chairs


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Circa 1830. An exhibition set of 6 carved French Louis XIII style oak dining or side chairs. The upright padded back with a profusely carved crest with shell C scrolls and flower filled urns, with the carving encroaching onto the padded back. The large stuff over seats, resting on shell and C scroll profusely carved cabriole legs, the legs united by scrolling carved stretchers. One of the chairs has the trade label for ‘Druce & Co. London’. Provenance: The Henderson-Cairds, Cassencarie House Kirkcudbridge.

122cm High, 52cm Wide, 50cm Deep

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Store Name: Georgian Antiques

Store Email Address: info@georgianantiques.net

Contact Number: 01315537286

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