An 112 Gold Colour Stainless Steel Cutlery Set–Sheffield Stainless Steel

An 112 Gold Colour Stainless Steel Cutlery Set–Sheffield Stainless Steel

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This is an 112 piece of SHEFFIELD STAINLESS STEEL GOLD COLOUR CUTLERY in 2 Drawers (from a Sideboard)—This whole set, is suitable for and home for larger gatherings on special occasions in the home or for a nice Country House Hotel for their ‘Private Dining Room’ when certain people wish for Private Dining! This consists of: 12 Large Knives–12 Small Knives–12 Fish Knives–12 Fish Forks–12 Large Forks–12 Small Forks–12 Dessert Spoons–12 Soup Spoons–12 Tea Spoons–4 Serving Spoons/  What a Magnificent Set! This has been priced attractively–being £4 a piece nigh on! It is a Fitted Set in these 2 Drawers, but IF the Drawers are no wanted then I will oblige! I recommend either Parcel Force or better still ‘Personal Courier’

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