The Burlington Magazine ~ Vol. CXXIX ~ No. 1014 ~ September 1987

The Burlington Magazine ~ Vol. CXXIX ~ No. 1014 ~ September 1987

SKU TBMCXXIX1014S1987-XX Category


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A fine clean copy of The Burlington Magazine ~ Vol. CXXIX ~ No. 1014, published in September 1987, and incorporating the catalogue produced for The Burlington House Fair, held at The Royal Academy of Arts, London from 09 to 20 September 1987. Contents include scholarly articles on “New oil sketches by Peter Paul Rubens”, by Julius S. Held ~ “Rubens and the Ophovius monument ~ A new sculpture by Hans von Mildert”, by Cynthia Lawrence ~ “A new source for Rubens’s “Château de Steen””, by F. Hamilton Hazelhurst ~ “A drawing by Rembrandt of “Three orientals in discussion””, by Martin Royalton-Kisch ~ “Some remarks on Rembrandt’s “Jacob blessing Ephraim and Manasseh”, by Shimon Bar-Efrat ~ “The Morelli conference in Bergamo”, by Jaynie Anderson ~ “The Cardiff cartoons ~ Boeckhorst after all”, by Hans Vlieghe ~ BOOK REVIEWS ~ “Pierre et François Puget, peintres baroques”, by M-C Gloton ~ “Renaissance Paris, Architecture and Growth”, by D. Thomson ~ “La Pittura in Liguria, artisti del primo seicento”, by F. Renzo Pesenti ~ “Brouwer invenit”, by H. Scholz ~ “Pompeo Batoni, a complete catalogue”, by A. Clark ~ “Saint-Non / Fragonard, Panopticon Italiano”, Ed. P. Rosenberg ~ “Sèvres Porcelain”, by S. Erikson ~ “Art Nouveau Bing”, by G.P. Weisberg ~ “La Maddalena tra Sacro e Profano”, by M. Mosco and others ~ “De Stijl, The Formative Years”, by C. Blotcamp and others ~ “Theo van Doesburg”, by A. Doig ~ “The Collected Writings of Piet Mondrian”, Ed. H. Holzman and M.S. James ~ “David Bomberg”, by R. Cork, and “Inside the White Cube”, by Brian O’Doherty ~ EXHIBITION REVIEWS ~ London ~ “Gerhard Richter and other exhibitions of German Art”, Collage 1916 – 50 ~ Mayor Gallery” ~ Edinburgh ~ “Mary Queen of Scots ~ Scottish National Portrait Gallery” ~ Paris ~ “L’époque, la mode, la morale, la passion ~ Centre Georges Pompidou” ~ “Jean Hélion ~ Louis Carré” ~ Dusseldorf ~ “Brennpunkt and other exhibitions” ~ Martigny ~ “Toulouse-Lautrec ~ Fondation Gianadda” ~ New York ~ “Four exhibitions of drawings, Berlinart 1961 – 87 ~ Museum of Modern Art” ~ “The Burlington House Fair” ~ Soft covers.

Just one of the thousands of Auction Catalogues, Exhibition, Trade and Museum Catalogues, Art and Antiques Journals and Reference Works available at our main website ~ https:///

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