Antique English Stone Plaque, EW Wyon June 1848.


Antique English Stone Plaque, EW Wyon June 1848.

Original price was: £1,200.00.Current price is: £1,000.00.

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Author: EW Wyon June 1848 orginal stamp is on reverse…
Perfect condition…
Material: “probably marble”, gilded wooden frame…
The plaque is engraved on the basis of the painting The Chalmady Children – the painting hangs in the Metropolitan Museum in New York, by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1796-1830.
The author of the plaque worked as an graver at the Bank of England is best known for the engraving for the Indian Rupee coin…
Dimension with frame:
Free shipping Intercontinental, possible rerturn of product..
Location item: Slovenia EU
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Date Joined: 13th February 2022

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