Charles II Oak four poster bed.

Charles II Oak four poster bed.


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Country Homes Antiques Scotland est 1985

A Charles II oak four poster bed

A rare Charles II Oak four poster bed frame (1660-1685) with a carved fielded panel header and fielded panel top, moulded cornice and huge baluster on bulbous columns. Rigged for original rope bed base.
Inquire if you would prefer runners and slats for a modern use base. This would be included in the £5800 price if required.
£5400 as is.

Charles II was born on 29th May 1630 at St James’ Palace, son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. He fought alongside his father against Oliver Cromwell ‘s forces throughout much of the English Civil War. He escaped to the continent before his father was beheaded on 30th January 1649.


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