Fine 18th Cent Pollard Oak longcase clock

Fine 18th Cent Pollard Oak longcase clock


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A Fine Quality 18th Century Pollard Oak Moon dial Longcase Clock

A Fine Quality rare 18th Century Pollard Oak Moon dial Longcase Clock of beautiful rich colour & patination with an  having a painted moon roller in the dial above a chapter ring displaying large black Arabic numerals marking five minute divisions to the border encircling Roman numeral hour markers and an inner border of even calendar numerals alternated with dots marking the odd numbers. The lattice engraved centre having a subsidiary seconds ring, the corners adorned with cast cherub head spandrels. The hood with mounded dome break-arch pediment surmounted by brass finials above a painted frieze band of undulating foliage and fluted sides columns with parcel gilt capitals flanking the rosewood cross-banded door. The lip-moulded trunk door also cross-banded with rosewood borders , having a serpentine shaped top, flanked by sunken fluted quarter columns. The base with a panel front and canted corners above low bracket feet. 89″ (226 cm) overall in height.

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Store Name: Country Homes Antiques

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Contact Number: 07771676321

Date Joined: 8th April 2024

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