The Burlington Magazine ~ Vol. CXXX ~ No. 1022 ~ May 1988

The Burlington Magazine ~ Vol. CXXX ~ No. 1022 ~ May 1988

SKU TBMCXXX1022M1988-XX Category


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A fine clean copy of The Burlington Magazine ~ Vol. CXXX ~ No. 1022, published in May 1988. Contents include scholarly articles on “Two neo-classical designs for a Bourbon chapel in St-Denis”, by Andrew McClellan ~ “J.-F. Millet in the Allier and the Auvergne”, by Bruce Laughton ~ “Georges Trubert, the René Master and Waddesdon MS 21”, by Anne Demarquay Rook ~ “The one and only Trophime Bigot”, by Jean Boyer ~ “Philippe de Champaigne ~ A commission of 1630”, by Richard Beresford ~ “Jean-Germain Drouais and the 1784 Pix de Rome”, by Simon Lee ~ “Jean-Germain Drouais ~ Recent Discoveries”, by Patrick Ramade, and “Vincent van Gogh ~ His frames and the presentation of his paintings”, by Ann Hoenigswald ~ OBITUARIES ~ “Pierre Verlet”, by Geoffrey de Bellaigue ~ “Lawrence Turčié”, by Duncan Bull ~ BOOK REVIEWS ~ CONFERENCE REPORT ~ EXHIBITION REVIEWS ~ London ~ “Süleyman the Magnificent ~ British Museum” ~ “Old Master Paintings ~ Royal Academy and Walpole Gallery” ~ “Lucian Freud ~ Hayward Gallery” ~ “Exhibition Road ~ Royal College of Art” ~ “Gerhard Richter ~ Anthony d’Offay” ~ “Critical Realism and Jock McFadyen ~ Camden Arts Centre” ~ Paris ~ “Les demoiselles d’Avignon ~ Musée Picasso” ~ Frankfurt ~ “Poussin and Claude ~ Städelsches Kunstinstitut” ~ Berlin and Stuttgart ~ “Alberto Giacometti ~ Nationalgalerie and Staatsgalerie” ~ Philadelphia ~ “Seventeenth Century Dutch landscape painting ~ Museum of Art” ~ Recent acquisitions of ceramics and glass in the British Museum. ~ Soft covers.

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